Where to Put Stamp on Postcard: Ultimate Guide for Beginners

Have you ever wondered how to mail a postcard? If you are new to sending postcards, you might be confused by the different types of stamps, the prices, and the placement of the stamps on the postcard. In this article, we will guide you through the basics of postcard stamps and show you some examples of how to use them.

peter wants to know where to put stamp on postcard

A Postcard Story

Peter was a college student who loved to travel. He had visited many countries and collected many souvenirs from his trips. One day, he decided to send a postcard to his grandmother, who lived in another state. He wanted to share his latest adventure with her and make her happy.

He went to a souvenir shop and bought a beautiful postcard that showed the skyline of the city he was visiting. He wrote a heartfelt message on the back of the postcard, telling his grandmother how much he missed her and how much he enjoyed his trip. He also wrote his return address and his grandmother’s address on the postcard.

But then he realized that he didn’t know what kind of stamp to use and where to put it on the postcard. He had never sent a postcard before and he didn’t have any stamps with him. He asked the shopkeeper for help, but the shopkeeper only spoke a foreign language and couldn’t understand him.

Peter felt frustrated and embarrassed. He didn’t want to waste his money and time on buying a wrong stamp or putting it in a wrong place. He wished he had done some research before sending a postcard.

Do you find where to put stamp on postcard

What is a Postcard Stamp?

A postcard stamp is a special type of stamp that is used for mailing postcards. Postcard stamps are usually smaller and cheaper than regular stamps, because postcards are lighter and smaller than letters or envelopes. Postcard stamps can be bought at post offices, online, or at some souvenir shops.

Postcard stamps come in different designs and colors, depending on the country or region where they are issued. Some postcard stamps feature famous landmarks, animals, flowers, or artworks. Some postcard stamps are commemorative, meaning they celebrate a special event or occasion, such as a holiday, an anniversary, or a historical figure.

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How Much Does a Postcard Stamp Cost?

The cost of a postcard stamp depends on several factors, such as:

  • The destination of the postcard: Domestic or international
  • The size and weight of the postcard: Standard or oversized
  • The currency and exchange rate of the country or region where the stamp is bought

In general, domestic postcard stamps are cheaper than international postcard stamps, because they travel shorter distances and require less processing. Standard postcard stamps are cheaper than oversized postcard stamps, because they fit better in the mail sorting machines and require less space.

The table below shows some examples of updated postcard stamp prices in different countries and regions as of July 2023. Note that these prices are subject to change and may vary depending on the availability and demand of the stamps.

Country/RegionPostage NamePostage TypePrice
UK1st ClassDomestic£0.78
UKInternational StandardInternational£1.75
AustraliaInternational Economy AirInternational$2.30

Where to Put Stamp on Postcard?

The placement of the stamp on the postcard is important, because it affects how the postcard is processed by the mail system and how it is delivered to the recipient. If the stamp is placed in a wrong place, it might cause delays, errors, or even rejection of the postcard.

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The general rule for where to put stamp on postcard is to place it in the upper right corner of the address side of the postcard. This is where most mail machines scan for postage and where most postal workers look for it.

However, there are some exceptions and variations to this rule, depending on the country or region where the stamp is issued and where the postcard is sent from and to. For example:

  • In some countries or regions, such as Japan, Hong Kong, and Singapore, the stamp can be placed in the upper left corner of the address side of the postcard, instead of the upper right corner.
  • In some countries or regions, such as China, Taiwan, and South Korea, the stamp can be placed in the lower right corner of the address side of the postcard, instead of the upper right corner.
  • In some countries or regions, such as France, Germany, and Italy, the stamp can be placed anywhere on the address side of the postcard, as long as it does not cover or interfere with the address or barcode.

To avoid confusion and mistakes, it is advisable to check the postal regulations and guidelines of the country or region where you are sending the postcard from and to before buying and placing the stamp. You can also ask for help from a local post office or a souvenir shop staff if you are unsure.

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Sending a postcard is a fun and easy way to share your travel experiences with your loved ones. But before you do that, you need to know where to put stamp on postcard. By following the basic rule of placing the stamp in the upper right corner of the address side of the postcard, and checking for any exceptions or variations depending on the destination and origin of the postcard, you can ensure that your postcard will reach its recipient safely and quickly.

We hope this article has helped you learn more about postcard stamps and how to use them. If you found this article useful, please share it with your friends or leave a comment below. If you want to learn more about postage stamps or postcards, you can visit these websites:

Happy postcard sending!

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